Best Practices


Best Practice-01 


Academic Year 






Best Practice

‘Words for Today’

                                          Daily five English words with their Marathi meaning.

Brief Information:

The present Innovative cum Best Practice is carried out by the Department. Daily 05 English words with their Marathi meanings are written on the Black Board near the main office.


1. To acquaint students with the new keywords in English language.

2. To help students to use the words in daily communication.

3. To promote and inculcate interest for words among students.

4. Help them use new words in discussion and in writing.

The Context:

The College is located in drought-prone rural area; students of the college are from rural and agricultural background. As a result their English is weak. The college takes special efforts to improve their English. Vocabulary is a Major problem of the students. To overcome this problem, the said practice is followed

The Practice:

The College displays five new English words on the notice board every day. The students, as they enter into the premises, watch the new words written on the notice board and read them and learn new words every day. This habit of learning new words helps to improve their vocabulary and spellings. It helps to improve their English.


Evidence of Success:

It is observed that students are becoming more confident about their English. Their overall performance in subject is improved. The examination results indicate that the practice helped the students a lot.

Problems Encountered and Resource Requirement:

The Practice is carried out by department of English. When the concerned faculty is busy or on leave, they fail to display the words. The resources (Only notice board) required are very limited, too.


Best Practice-02 


Academic Year 


‘Know Your Current World and Be Update’

Brief Information:

The present Innovative cum Best Practice is carried out by the Department. In the current academic year 2022-23, various lecture-cum-discussions on current updates in diverse sectors are organized for students of all classes. These topics are as follows:

Sr. No.


Topic for Lecture-cum-Discussion

Number of Participants



 Recent Trends in Language and Literature 




 Recent Innovative Transitions ,Policies and Trends in Higher Education 




Recent Innovations, Transitions and Developments in Social Sector




 Recent Trends in E-Commerce and E-Business 




 Recent Trends in Commerce and Management 




Recent Innovations and Developments in Science and Technology




 Recent Trends in Science and Technology



1. To acquaint students with the innovative and useful transitions and transformations among various sectors like society, science, technology .

2. To assist students to know and understand multiple updates among various sectors like society, science, technology .

3. To encourage, promote and inculcate interest know and read the current transitions, developments and innovations in diverse sectors.

4. To use the current updates in diverse sectors for various competitive exams.

The Context:

The College is located in remote and drought-prone rural area near the border of Karnataka. Therefore, students of the college are unaware about various transitions, developments and innovations in diverse sectors commerce, society, science or technology, but they have a keen interest in the acquisition and comprehension of various transitions, developments and innovations in diverse sectors. Therefore, Department of English uses lecture-cum-discussion methods and takes special efforts to connect students with the current updates across the world. To acquaint students well with the current world, the said practice is followed.

The Practice:

Department of English organizes lecture-cum-discussions on current updates in diverse sectors for students of all classes. At the beginning of discussion, teachers guide and deliver lectures on the select topic. Further, students are promoted and encouraged to share their views, understanding and make recommendations based on the reading. Students note down the current updates, transitions, developments and innovations in diverse sectors commerce, society, science or technology. Further they also collect such updates from the books, internet sources.  This habit of knowing new, current and update worlds helps to connect students with the current world in their respective UG programme. 

Evidence of Success:

It is observed that students read on the select topic from internet and books before the participation in the best practice. Their knowledge in the respective programme is considerably enriched. They are becoming more confident about the use of current updates, transitions, developments and innovations among various sectors. the practice has assisted and encouraged to get connected with weekly updates across the world in their respective fields like . 

Problems Encountered and Resource Requirement:

The Practice is carried out by department of English. Only the concerned faculty of the department deliver and organize lecture-cum-discussions for students, therefore they have some limitations to deliver and have through discussion for students of various programmes. There is poor availability of latest books on current developments and transitions among various sectors like science, technology or commerce in the department. 

Discussion No. 1

   Organization of Best Practice on "Recent Innovations, Transitions and Developments in Social Sector" in BA-III Class
        BA-III Students' active participation in the Best Practice on "Recent Innovations, Transitions and Developments in Social Sector" in BA-III Class.

Discussion No. 2
Organization of Best Practice on "Recent Innovations and Developments in Science and Technology" in BSc-I Class
 BSc-I Students' active participation in the Best Practice on "Recent Innovations and Developments in Science and Technology"

Discussion No. 3

B.A.-II Students' active participation in the Best Practice on "Recent Innovative Transitions ,Policies and Trends in Higher Education"

Discussion No. 4

B.Com.-II Students' active participation in the Best Practice on "Recent Trends in Commerce and Management "

Discussion No. 5

      B.Com.-I Students' active participation in the Best Practice on "Recent Trends in E-Commerce and E-Business"

Discussion No. 6

B.A.-I Students' active participation in the Best Practice on " Recent Trends in Language and Literature"

Discussion No. 7

B.Sc.-III Students' active participation in the Best Practice on "Recent Trends in Science and Technology"

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